Enzymes are normally present in raw foods to assist with digestion. However, many foods have been depleted of their natural enzymes through cooking and processing. Without the essential enzymes needed for proper digestion, the body may not completely break down those foods to absorb their nutrients. Undigested food in the digestive tract can ferment, causing … Continued

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Candida Imbalance is a condition in which Candida albicans, a common form of digestive yeast, grows out of control and causes infection. Candida albicans are the most common digestive yeast and can become problematic in the body when they proliferate. Contributing Factors of Candida Imbalance Systemic candidiasis can occur when the balance between yeast and bacteria in … Continued

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Why Probiotics Supplement Can Help You Live a Healthier, More Active For example, besides controlling digestion, did you know that 70% of your immune response originates in your digestive tract? The reason why is because your first line of defense against infection is the trillions of beneficial bacteria that live in your intestines. These friendly microbes … Continued

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