Remove Toxins from Your Fat Cells

If we keep our digestion, stress levels and detoxification pathways balanced, we can prevent and help with body toxin removal.We are all designed to continuously and naturally remove toxins from the body. There are two kinds of toxins: water-soluble and fat-soluble. Water-soluble toxins are easily flushed out of the body via the blood and kidneys, but the fat-soluble toxins are a challenge for the body to remove. These fat-soluble toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides, preservatives, food additives, pollutants, plastics and other environmental chemicals must become water-soluble for the body to eliminate them fully. This happens mostly in the liver, but if our digestive and detox pathways are not functioning optimally, these toxins find their way from the liver to the blood, fat cells, and brain, where they can store for years, setting you up for health concerns down the road.

I believe that if we keep our digestion, stress levels and detoxification pathways balanced, we can prevent dangerous chemicals and toxins from storing in our bodies.

How It Works

When we digest a meal, the nutritional and toxic fats are shuffled through the stomach into the small intestine where bile secreted from the liver and gallbladder emulsifies them. In the small intestine, there are millions of small villi and lacteals, which are little finger-like “grasses,” or mucus membranes, that sweep the gut and help absorb nutritional fats and send the toxic fats on to the liver for processing. If this detoxification pathway is not properly working, the body can store the toxic fats, rather than remove them.

The Most Important ½ Inch of the Body

The very beginning of the body’s lymphatic system is called the Gut Associated Lymphatic Tissue (GALT), which surrounds the entire intestinal tract. This is what I call, “the most important half inch in your body,” because it is here that lacteals help absorb and process both nutritional and toxic fats. The ¼ inch on the inside of the gut wall must have those villi and lacteals functioning well, and the ¼ inch on the outside of the gut (which is that lymph tissue) must not be congested. (5-9)

The lymphatic system around the gut will take all the absorbed fats back to the liver where the good fats are put to use making cholesterol, cell membranes, hormones, brain cells and skin, to name a few. The toxins are processed by the liver and earmarked for elimination. When the lymphatic system becomes congested, this natural process of using good fats and discarding bad fats can be severely compromised.

Symptoms of a Congested GALT Affecting the Lymphatic System are: (5-9)

  • Elimination concerns
  • Holding extra weight around your belly
  • Bloating
  • Skin irritations or itching
  • Swollen hands and feet
  • Breast swelling and tenderness during the menstrual cycle
  • Hypersensitivities
  • Occasional headaches
  • Joint stiffness

It’s All About Elimination

There are many factors such as diet and stress that can irritate the intestinal villi and compromise the function of the bowels. Excessive stress can cause the intestinal villi to dry out, causing occasional constipation. A history of constipation can dry out these villi (grass-like mucus membranes) and force them to produce a reactive mucus. If this mucus is excessive, the stools could appear normal (1-3 regular bowel movements a day), but you could still be unhealthy and bloated or carrying extra belly weight. If the mucus is even more excessive, the stools can become looser, diarrhea-like and more frequent. If you EVER see mucus in your stool, this should be addressed right away. When this happens, the villi become congested and bogged down in the excess mucus. This means that the delivery of good fats, excretion of toxic fats, the normal immune response, and the health of the intestinal skin as a barrier for toxins breaks down. Normally, toxins that are absorbed into the lymph are neutralized by immune-boosting white blood cells in over 500+ lymph nodes in the lymphatic system. But if mucus is excessive, this may not happen and the toxins are directed back to the liver. To avoid the toxins from defaulting back to the liver, the mucus membranes of the intestinal tract cannot be too dry or too wet – there is a delicate balance that must be achieved. Some of the other causes for irritation that compromise the intestinal villi are stress, worry, food additives, processed food, coffee, soft drinks and hyperacidity – to name just a few.

Where Do These Toxic Fats Go?

Optimal bile flow from the liver is critical to our health. Bile acts similar to a Pac-Man in the liver and intestines, where it gobbles up fats and acts as the great immune system responder in the digestive tract. The bile will gobble up heavy metals, parasites, pesticides, bad bacteria, and numerous other chemicals that can cause problems. If there is plenty of fiber in the diet, the heavily loaded bile will be taken to the toilet. If the diet is deficient in fiber, up to 94% of the bile – along with its toxic baggage – gets reabsorbed back to the liver to be recycled. (10) The liver can become overwhelmed because it is not expecting the return of these toxic fat cells.

Over time, the liver can become congested and the bile can turn thick and sludgy, making it more difficult to break down a hamburger, fatty foods, heavy metals and other fat-soluble toxins. Over time, the bile can become too sluggish and thick to buffer the stomach acids that start to enter the small intestine. The acid acts as another irritant to the villi, and thus more congestive, reactive mucus is produced. As the bile becomes more viscous, it can also block the flow of pancreatic enzymes into the small intestine. The pancreas shares the common bile duct with the gallbladder, and when this flow stops or becomes sluggish, the digestive process can be compromised.

What Happens When The Liver Becomes Overwhelmed?

When the biliary tubes in the liver become congested with thick bile and toxins, the liver pushes the fat-soluble toxins into the blood stream. These toxins can find their way into the fat cells where they can store for many years and cause oxidation (free radical damage) and degeneration. (1-3) Toxins can deposit in fatty tissues all over the body including the brain. It is becoming more common for the toxins to become neurotoxins and deposit in the fatty tissues of the brain. These neurotoxins may cause cognitive problems and a host of health imbalances. (13, 14)

Burn Fat to Burn Toxins

This is why one of the main focuses in Ayurveda is to convince the body to burn fat. Not primarily for weight loss, but because fat metabolism is the body’s detox fuel and it is critical that we flush these fat cells in order to turn over and remove toxins. Once the nervous system can function without stress, the body will naturally burn fat.

The bottom line: there are many ways to burn fat, and our lifestyle plays an important role. The majority of the fat-burning and detox responsibility lies in the integrity of the digestive system, lymph and bile flow.

Food Allergies and Inability to Absorb Good Fats

Many of us simply do not break down and absorb good fats because the villi and lymph around the gut are congested. This is also just one reason why so many of us are diagnosed with wheat, dairy and soy allergies. These foods are heavy, harder to digest, and are high-mucus-content foods. If there is already excessive mucus in the gut, and the gluten was not properly broken down in the stomach and upper small intestine, the gluten can irritate the intestinal wall and trigger the production of even more reactive mucus. This can severely compromise the ability of the intestinal wall to act as a health barrier for the body. There are times in life to reduce or even eliminate these foods for a certain stretch of time – but a life sentence of no wheat and dairy for many of us is a hard (and unnecessary) pill to swallow.

To Sum it all Up

Your detoxification and assimilation pathways may be compromised if you experience occasional constipation or loose stools, see mucus in your stools, have to avoid certain foods, or have to eat certain foods to maintain regular elimination. If you feel that a heavy or high-fat content meal just sits in your stomach or you get nauseous or experience pain after that meal, then your bile flow may be compromised and you are likely storing toxic fats. These are some simple guidelines that are an important first step in responding to these conditions.


 How to Detox the Fat Cells

1. Digestion

First, you need to make sure you are digesting well. It is poor digestion that makes removing these toxins nearly impossible. Start by consuming ghee to help the digestive tract work like it should. Ghee will help the body to naturally burn fat and promote a healthy digestive tract and strong immune system.

2. Liver

It is also important to cleanse the liver. The liver works with fat soluble toxins and, more than likely, it is overwhelmed. That is why the toxins are not being removed as they should be


How To Get Rid Of Toxins

Food allergies, excessive body weight, poor diet and high stress levels all contribute to this. Instead, do the following to help your body flush out toxins naturally.

  1. Get Fit

Leading an active lifestyle will keep you young and healthy and prevent toxic overload. Sweating will help your body expel toxins through your skin.

In addition, the more you move, the more you stimulate your lymphatic system and cardiovascular system. Keeping these two system healthy will ensure proper waste removal.

  1. Detox

Periodically detoxifying your liver will keep it from becoming congested. There are many safe & natural ways to accomplish this process.

Additionally, the more toxins you expose yourself to, the harder your body has to work to eliminate them. Purchase organic foods whenever you can and clean your home with natural products.

  1. Eat Well

It’s important to make sure you get enough dietary fiber to absorb your bile. Fruits, calciferous vegetables and whole grains (quinoa, oatmeal, teff) all do a wonderful job and are full of important nutrients.

It’s also important to respect any food sensitivities that you may have, like milk and gluten, which will cause more inflammation.

  1. Relax

Stress is the leading cause of inflammation, which can interfere with the exchange of fats and nutrients in your Gut Associated Lymphatic Tissue. There are many great strategies you can use to de-stress and keep your body in harmony.

NewsTarget) There are several approaches for detoxifying yourself from heavy metals and other toxic materials. Enemas, chelating agents, fasting, and sauna are all open to one’s preference. But there is a booster rocket to accelerate any detox method you choose. It’s called niacin, or vitamin B3.

The Need to Detox Regularly

We are immersed in a toxic environment. Of the over 75,000 chemicals produced in North America, 20,000 cannot be naturally eliminated by our bodies. Out of the 75,000 chemicals in our toxic environment, 3000 go into the food supply.

Avoiding what we know to be toxic is a great step toward detoxification. But there are toxins that won’t be eliminated completely. That’s because fat cells will store toxins that cannot be metabolized or eliminated. Many of us have anywhere from 400 to 800 toxins stored in fat cells. And fat cells are not eliminated completely by diet or exercise. They will shrink, but they can grow again.

So how can niacin be a booster rocket for detoxing? Niacin ruptures the fat cells that store toxins, thus releasing those stored toxins to be eliminated. This is called lipolysis. The niacin proposed is not buffered niacinamide, which doesn’t make your face and neck flush and tingle intensely. Use the niacin that makes you blush.

This protocol was developed primarily to help drug addicts detox drug toxins stored in fats. The idea was to get rid of all the drug residue that would haunt them with cravings after kicking their habit. It worked very well. So Dr. Yu thought it would be wise for non-addicts to use this method for “normal detoxification”.

He gave a lecture on this during a Longevity Conference hosted by nutrition expert David Wolfe. Dr. Yu spoke of starting with a low amount of niacin, 50 mgs or so depending on your tolerance, and gradually building to a maximum of 500 mgs. Up to 5000 mgs has been used for those gravely ill from drug use and toxic events, such as Gulf War Syndrome.

Getting Rid of What’s Released from the Fats

Most of us know that toxins released suddenly need to be eliminated. The liver, kidneys, and other organs can be seriously damaged. One can be overwhelmed by a vicious Herxheimer event or “healing crisis”. The protocol for addicts mostly involved eliminating through the skin.

They were put into an exercise regimen and ushered into saunas to literally sweat it out. One only needs to begin perspiring from whatever exercise that is do-able. Then the sauna takes over for a half hour to 45 minutes.

In addition to sweating it out, the GI tract can assist as well. Dr. Yu recommended consuming activated charcoal. It works by adsorbing toxins, not absorbing. Adsorption is more like chelating, hitching to electrons of toxins and taking them out through the stool or urine. More details on activated charcoal for detoxification are available in this Natural News article:…

Any other detox protocol or agent can be added to the niacin booster rocket. Bentonite clay, zeolite, cilantro pesto and chlorella are fine too. To protect a weakened liver, one may use gall bladder flushes and/or coffee enemas also. More on cleaning the liver with this Natural News article:  

The booster rocket is plain tingly fire in the face and upper body niacin. Niacinamide can be toxic for the liver. High doses of niacin have been used in orthomolecular medicine/psychiatry since the 1950s for a variety of health problems, even schizophrenia. So it’s safe and inexpensive and can be taken as often and long as you want.