Our Skin is our largest organ and it reflects what happens internally in our body. The main organs that affect our skin are the liver & the colon. When the liver and the colon are congested, the first symptoms we will feel and observe on the surface of the skin are yellow complexion, itching, dry skin, discoloration, rash, pimples, boils, perspiration odor, brittle nails, broken and dry hair and many more.

The liver and the Colon work in conjunction with each other, a toxic liver or colon will show up on your skin. When liver function is poor, your metabolism will be slow. Slow metabolism in general causes dry skin, but, as we gain weight from improper metabolizing of fats, our circulation slows down and the skin dries even further. Poor digestion and immune system dysfunction, also connected to poor liver function, results in a build-up of toxins which then get excreted through the skin causing dryness and inflammation.

When you look at someone who is suffering from skin problems, it is a clear indication that something similar is going on in the colon. Ailments caused by a dirty colon include colds, weakened immune system, fatigue, weight gain, skin problems, hair loss, allergies, and headaches. Skin eruptions and rashes can be caused by a clogged colon. If you want a healthy digestive system, all you really have to do is adopt a healthy lifestyle. The same things that irritate skin also irritate your digestive tract. If something is giving you acne, rashes, eczema or any kind of skin problem, chances are it is doing the same thing to your large intestine and perhaps your entire digestive tract.

When the colon is healthy and not carrying toxins, undigested food matter and instead contains healing, cleansing phytonutrients like chlorophyll from fresh fruits and vegetables, proper probiotics will keep intestinal flora healthy and — it is going to perform its function well. A person who has a healthy large intestine will reflect that in their complexion. Their skin will look young and vibrant.

The colon is connected to every system and organ in the body by reflex points. The colon hydrotherapy stimulates these points thereby affecting the corresponding body parts in a beneficial way creating overall well-being and health in the body.

The benefits of colon hydrotherapy can often be quickly observed, in the form of improved bowel function together with clearer skin, heightened mental clarity, improved sleeping patterns, fewer headaches and increased energy and vitality. Circulatory, immune, inflammatory and weight problems often improve with colonic treatments when combined with diet and lifestyle changes.