M.D.I. Advanced Sculpting Face & Body Treatment

M.D.I. Advanced Sculpting Facial

Skin Analyzer W/monitor- RF,-Nano Current-Ultrasound, -Vacuum-Cavitation Face

Non-Invasive, Painless Facial Sculpting

Revolutionary New Tool to Turn Back the Clock, M.D.I. Advanced Sculpting Facial

Tighten and tone the skin, reduce lines and wrinkles, lift sagging muscles, reduce fat deposits and improve pigmentation and vibrancy…”


Q Why are our Facial & Neck Sculpting Services different?

A No Pain. No Downtime. Real Results.


How many sessions are required for best results?

We recommend a course or series of 6 to 10 treatments for MAXIMUM lifting, toning and skin tightening, for clients from age 35 – 40 years. From early 40’s and up, we recommend a minimum of 8 to 10 treatments for maximum “non-surgical” benefits. Individuals with extremely lax skin due to weight loss or sun damage may require more sessions for optimum results.


Q How long do you need to wait between facial sculpting treatments?

A You only need to wait 5 days to one week between facial treatments. When working to lift, tone or reduce fat initially, best results are obtained when treatments are layered at one-to-two week intervals for the first three to four treatments.


Q Are the results long term?

A Yes, especially if the treatments are layered, and the results are maintained with proper nutrition and good skin care. Each treatment builds on the previous treatment; however, we cannot stop the natural aging process that will ultimately continue to affect your muscles and the appearance of your skin. For this reason, we recommend maintenance visits approximately every 2 to 3 months to extend the results of your Non-invasive Facial Sculpting.

Maintenance visits will re-reinforce and prolong muscle toning, skin tightening, pigmentation improvements and fat loss.


“The Most Effective Facial Sculpting Therapies Available”