Summer Time: A Perfect Time to Come in to Detox, Unwind, Beautify

We’re making it rain!

We know how hard you work. You work for personal and for professional growth, you work to support your loved ones, you work so that you can serve and help a lot of people. Working hard may be part of what makes you happy but always remember that all your efforts can also take toll on your body. That’s why we work as hard as you do to assure that you feel relaxed and revived once or twice in a while.

We, at Vita Wellness Spa, we stay true to our promise. Our services are designed for you to not only look your best but to feel your best as well- wellness and health-wise! We have a lot of services that range from Colon Hydrotherapy, Body Detoxification, Organic Facials and Body Therapy. Now, we have something that we are very proud and excited to tell you about; our 9 Head Vichy Shower and Body Scrub! A water treatment that is surely invigorating and extremely relaxing both physically and spiritually! It is designed to hydrate and detoxify your body through pressure point massage jets. This 9-headed rain bar can be adjusted to suit your needs, whether you prefer a light rain or a pounding downpour to massage all tense areas on your body, it’s up to you! If you are wishing for pure relaxation, something that can take your mind off things that can cause anxieties then this service is perfect for you. Vichy Shower and Body Scrub treatments have other benefits too aside from their relaxing nature. Just to name a few, they can hydrate your skin, eliminate toxins in your body, and of course, they improve your immune system.

Working hard is a good thing, especially because we earn everything in this life through hard work, but it can be exhausting too! Respect your body’s need to recharge, refresh, and relax. Treat it well. Take good care of yourself. Go to Vita Wellness Spa, we help you take care of you! Look and feel revived now!