Red Carpet Glow Facial: Try Today, Our New Facial

The Red Carpet Glow Facial is one of our signature treatments, perfect for looking fresh before an event or special day. The Red Carpet Facial uses a three-step process, a peel, a neutralizer, and a mask., Plus our Red Carpet Facial also uses Radiofrequency skin treatment to tighten and stimulate collagen.
Red Carpet glow Facial: Fire & Ice session to help compound the effects and encourage healthy, radiant glow, The red carpet glow facial incorporates a complete IS clinical Fire & Ice facial.

This non invasive facial has virtually no downtime and can dramatically improve skin glow and radiance, For Special occasion or everyday glow.

Red Carpet Fire and Ice Facial List of Benefits:

  • Resurfaced skin for healthy glow
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Encourages the natural cellular renewal of the skin
  • Peels away dead skin
  • Fully hydrates the skin and traps in moisture
  • Helps unclog and shrink pores
  • Revitalizes aging and compromised skin